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Indoor Navigation through Image Recognition Android Vuforia

I want to implement indoor navigation through image recognition using Vuforia tool which works collaboratively with Android SDK.

I have collected the images that I want to use and now I have succesfully replaced the default picture of ImageTargets appication so as to add my own pictures.

My problem is the step further, since when this application recognizes a museum exhibit diplays a teapot.I want to replace this teapot with arrows that will help museum users to navigate into the museum.

How can I do it?There is an article to the official website of Vuforia which partially clarifies what must have happened but it's far from comprehensive(

Any help might be totally crucial for me Thank you in advance


  • The first step is to create your arrow models in a program such as Blender or Autodesk Maya and export it as a Wavefront OBJ file. You may have to tweak some plugins/settings in your chosen modelling software to enable that option.

    Then you need to convert that .obj file to a C/C++ include file (.h) to work with the native code in ImageTargets.cpp. There is a convenient Perl script that you can download to make this process easier - OBJ2OPENGL.

    Then it is a matter of importing your new model in ImageTargets.cpp, e.g. #import "arrow.h" then replace the code to draw the teapot with the following:

    // set input data to arrays
    glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, arrowVerts);
    glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, arrowNormals);
    glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, arrowTexCoords);
    // draw data
    glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, arrowNumVerts);

    Don't forget to rebuild the project using ndk-build when you're finished.