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Issue in getting the value from datagridview cell to put into decimal

This is my code for my button that will pop the value from the specific column.

dvList.Columns("Reg_Price").DefaultCellStyle.Format = "N2"


My value in the column "Reg_Price" is 0, when I click the button with the code above, the output is 0 also, I want the output to be 0.00, but the code above the msgbox is not working.

Thank you for the help.


  • The DefaultCellStyle.Format (and also cell format) operate only on the dataGridView display. When you get dvList.Rows(dvList.CurrentRow.Index).Cells.Item("Reg_Price").Value.ToString, you get the original cell, before formatting. You can use the Format function to format the numeric value for msgBox.