I have a model called sample. To simplify, "sample" will have a "name", "price" and "approved" fields.
I want to have a page that will list all samples that have "approved = 'false'". In this page I want to be able to edit the sample fields, check the approved checkbox when done, and then press the form button to approve all the selected sample fields.
I watched railscast #198 but it has a previous page that I want to avoid... He has a webpage listing all samples, and then check the ones he wants to edit and then he finally has access to the "edit individual" page. I want to skip this page and go directly to the approve page.
On my sample controller I've got:
def edit_individual
@samplestoapprove = Sample.where(:approve => 'false')
On my routes.rb I have:
resources :samples, :collection => { :edit_individual => :post, :update_individual => :put }
If we ignore for now the "update_individual" code on the controller,I then created a view inside samples, just to check if I could list the unapproved samples. I called it "edit_individual.html.erb"
<% title "Edit Samples" %>
<%= form_tag update_individual_samples_path :method => :put do %>
<%= for sample in @samplestoapprove %>
<%= fields_for "samplestoapprove[]", sample do |f| %>
<h2><%= f sample.id %></h2>
<%= end %>
<%= end %>
<p><%= submit_tag "Approve" %></p>
<%= end %>
I then tried to access "localhost:3000/samples/edit_individual" but I get an error "Couldn't find Sample with id=edit_individual"
Can anyone help me? I want to have an option on the menu called "Approve" with a link to this "edit_individual" that when I click it, it shows me all samples to be approved with the form mentioned before... Is this easy to achieve? I'm a going on the right path?
Or should I go for something like a datagrid? Like for example http://www.tutorialized.com/tutorial/Editable-Datagrid-for-Ruby-on-Rails-Built-with-dhtmlxGrid/60309
Here's the code on my routes.rb related to this issue:
resources :samples, :collection => { :get => :edit_individual,
:update_individual => :put}
In your routes you have :edit_individual => :post
, but when you visit a URL in your browser like you did with http://localhost:3000/samples/edit_individual
, that is doing a GET request.
I'm guessing if you look in the logs where your Rails server is running, you'll see that your request when you visit that URL is going to your SampleController#show action and trying to use edit_individual
as the ID of one Sample that should be shown.
I would recommend changing your routes to this as shown in the Rails routing guide section 2.10.2:
resources :samples do
collection do
get 'edit_individual'