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How does F# pipeline operator work

have a code:

 //e = 1/2*Sum((yi -di)^2)
    let error y d =
        let map = 
            Array.map2 (fun y d -> (y - d) ** 2.0) y d
        let sum = 
            Array.sum map
        (sum / 2.0)

    let error2 y d =
        Array.map2 (fun y d -> (y - d) ** 2.0) y d
        |> Array.sum
        |> (/) 2.0

as i understood those functions should produce the same results, but there are a big difference in the results. Can anyone explain this?

p.s. Simplified example:

let test = [|1..10|]
    let res = test
                |> Array.sum
                |> (/) 5

i expect test = 11 (sum(1..10) = 55 and then 55 / 5) but after Array.sum pipeline is not working as i want(as result test = 0).


  • The / operator does not work the way you have assumed. You just need to be a bit more explicit and change the last line in error2 to

    fun t -> t/2.0

    and then it should all work.

    The answers being out by a factor of 4 was the giveaway here.

    EDIT: To understand what happens with / here consider what happens when you expand out |>

    The following are all equivalent

    a |> (/) b
    ((/) b) a //by removing |>
    a / b     //what happens when / is reinterpreted as a function