I have downloaded an installed Jess plugin for eclipse and FuzzyJ Toolkit with it. Now I am trying to run the following simple code:
(import nrc.fuzzy.*)
(bind ?temperature (new FuzzyVariable "temperature" 0 100 "°C"))
(bind ?pressure (new FuzzyVariable "pressure" 0.1 50 "MPa"))
(?temperature addTerm "cold" (new RightLinearFuzzySet 6 20))
(?temperature addTerm "warm" (new TrapezoidFuzzySet 15 20 25 30))
(?temperature addTerm "hot" (new LeftLinearFuzzySet 25 50))
(?pressure addTerm "low" (new RightLinearFuzzySet 0.9 5))
(?pressure addTerm "medium" (new TrapezoidFuzzySet 2 8 14 28))
(?pressure addTerm "high" (new LeftLinearFuzzySet 22 50))
(deffunction about (?number ?fuzzyVariable)
(bind ?delta (- (?fuzzyVariable getMaxUOD) (?fuzzyVariable getMinUOD)))
(new FuzzyValue ?fuzzyVariable
(new TriangleFuzzySet
(- ?number (* ?delta 0.01))
(+ ?number (* ?delta 0.01))
; (printout t ((about 34 ?temperature) plotFuzzyValue "*"))
(assert (Temperature (about 43 ?temperature)))
(defrule trivial-rule
(Temperature ?t & :(fuzzy-match ?t "hot"))
(assert (Pressure (new FuzzyValue ?pressure "low")))
(defrule printing
(Pressure ?p)
(printout t (?p plotFuzzyValue "*"))
However when I run the code, I only get an exception saying that function fuzzy-match is not defined. I already changed the main class to FuzzyMain. I also tried to run FuzzyConsole and load the code from there, as well as trying to add FuzzyFunctions to the engine using addPackage, but in any case I still get that error.
Although Jess in Action unfortunately doesn't tell you this, you have to explicitly load the fuzzy functions, even when launching with FuzzyMain
. Add the following line near the top of your Jess code and it will work as desired:
(load-package nrc.fuzzy.jess.FuzzyFunctions)