i have just unzipped SOLR zip file downloaded from their website. and it says in the tutorial i have to edit the solrconfig.xml file. there are several in different locations.
which one is it? and where should i have this root folder? inside my web space?
LICENSE.txt README.txt client contrib docs lib
CHANGES.txt NOTICE.txt build.xml common-build.xml dist example src
ive got one in example/solr/conf. is it that one?
and about the data-config-xml. should i create one and then type in the path to it in solrconfig.xml? the tutorial isnt that descriptive.
You are correct that's the directory
see here see here http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrInstall#Setup
The 2 files you'll have to edit at some point are:
Which OS are you installing on? If it's windows then i can help you out.. as i've done it many times ;)