I have Python 3.x installation in Windows in "c:\Pyhton3" folder. How can I specify Python folder location for SublimeCodeIntel --so it can find Python 3 source files by "Find declaration" cmd?
What to write in .codeintel/config
E.g. I want to put caret onto os.path.isfile
and find source py file - with this id.
The SublimeCodeIntel configuration documentation on GitHub has all the information you need. Basically, an entry like this should work:
"Python3": {
"python": 'c:/python3/python.exe',
"pythonExtraPaths": ["c:/python3/lib", "c:/python3/lib/site-packages"]
Additionally, take a look at Preferences -> Package Settings -> SublimeCodeIntel -> Settings - Default
. Down at the bottom are some more Python-specific settings:
"Python": {
"env": {
"PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH",
"PYTHONPATH": "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/usr/local/lib/python:$PYTHONPATH"
Get rid of the /* */
comments and change the paths to whatever you want on your Windows system.