My file upload filter does not work with Alfresco YUI (or flash?) upload. I have the following piece of code:
if (null == this.fileUpload) {
this.fileUpload = Alfresco.getFileUploadInstance();
var filter = new Array({description:"Images", extensions:"*.jpg;*.png;*.gif"});
var uploadConfig = {
mode: this.fileUpload.MODE_SINGLE_UPLOAD
, username: Alfresco.constants.USERNAME
, siteId: Alfresco.constants.SITE
, uploadDirectory: '/'
, containerId: 'Logo'
, filter: filter
, onFileUploadComplete: {
fn: this.onFileUploadComplete
, scope: this
This is all cool and upload of files work. I can upload files and there are no issues. But the problem is that the filter does not. What am I missing in this config?
I'm working with Alfresco Share Community version 4.2c.
I believe the filters have to be defined individually. The following worked for me:
this.fileUpload = Alfresco.getFileUploadInstance();
var description = "Images";
var extensions = ["*.jpeg", "*.jpg", "*.png", "*.gif"];
var filter = new Array(
{description: description, extensions: extensions[0]},
{description: description, extensions: extensions[1]},
{description: description, extensions: extensions[2]},
{description: description, extensions: extensions[3]}
var uploadConfig = {...};;
I hope this helps.