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Make a link for each UITableViewCell with another view

I'm new in iOS programming, and I want to do a simple thing. I saw several topics about my problem, but I don't understand why my code doesn't work...

  • I created a UIViewController subclass called details2ViewController, with a .xib
  • In my main view called ViewController.xib, I have a tableView
  • In ViewController.m, I added on the top : #import "details2ViewController.h"
  • In ViewController.m, I modified the didSelectRowAtIndexPath method like this :

    details *det = [[details alloc] init];
    [self.navigationController pushViewController:det animated:YES];

There is no warning, but no effect when I click on a cell... I precise that I'm working without mainStoryBoard.

note : Here's my previously post about this problem.

(Sorry if my english is awkward, I'm french... Thanks for your help !)


  • First of all check that you have properly wired your TableView's delegate to your ViewController's File Owner or not. TableView's -didSelectRowAtIndexPath method is a delegate method.

    Secondly, I am not getting why are using details as a Class name when you already have imported details2ViewController.h. So, It looks like you should use details2ViewController instead details and your code should look like this :

     details2ViewController *det = [[details2ViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"details2ViewController" bundle:nil];
    [self.navigationController pushViewController:det animated:YES];

    Make sure that your ViewController is indeed embedded in a UINavigationController. If not then your self.navigationController will be nil.

    Or you can go through An Introduction To UINavigationController.