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Programmatically rotating a MKMapView in iOS7

I have an app that currently uses CGAffineTransformMakeRotation to manipulate a MKMapView in order to display the map with the correct orientation and size. With the release of iOS7 this method has become unreliable (map center keeps shifting). I am hoping to solve this with a more reliable solution.

Is there a way to rotate the map in code without using CGAffineTransformMakeRotation?

I looked at the MKMapCamera in hopes I could manipulate it into passing staic values to manipulate the map but there is no way to manually set the centerCoordinate and the eyeCoordinate.


  • You can rotate and pitch the map by setting a new MKMapCamera with -setCamera:animated:.

    To set the rotation, give it a new heading parameter:

    - (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated // or wherever works for you
        [super viewDidAppear:animated];
        if ([mapView respondsToSelector:@selector(camera)]) {
            MKMapCamera *newCamera = [[mapView camera] copy];
            [newCamera setHeading:90.0]; // or newCamera.heading + 90.0 % 360.0
            [mapView setCamera:newCamera animated:YES];

    You can also do a more fancy zoom with pitch and altitude change, showing buildings:

    - (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated
        [super viewDidAppear:animated];
        if ([mapView respondsToSelector:@selector(camera)]) {
            [mapView setShowsBuildings:YES];
            MKMapCamera *newCamera = [[mapView camera] copy];
            [newCamera setPitch:45.0];
            [newCamera setHeading:90.0];
            [newCamera setAltitude:500.0];
            [mapView setCamera:newCamera animated:YES];