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How to disable string interpolation when printing a variable with special characters?

In Perl, I'm using XML::Twig to read an XML file. Some of the attributes have text that look like this:

<p>Here is some text.</p>

<p>Some more text.

I'm reading this attribute into a variable named $Body. I'd like to print this variable out to a file without interpolating the special characters in the string, i.e., the output should look exactly like the input. My code looks like:

open (my $OUT, ">", "out.csv") or die $!;
print $OUT $Body;

However, when I look in out.csv, I see:

<p>Here is some text.</p>

<p>Some more text.

Instead, I'd like to see the original string:

&lt;p&gt;Here is some text.&lt;/p&gt;&#xA&;#xA;&lt;p&gt;Some more text.

I've tried the following with no success:

  • print $OUT '$Body'; Doesn't work, just shows "$Body"
  • print $OUT "$Body"; Doesn't work, same as no quotes.
  • print $OUT qw{$Body}; Doesn't work, just shows "$Body".

    Here is a complete example:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <node Body="&lt;p&gt;Here is some text.&lt;/p&gt;&#xA;&#xA;&lt;p&gt;Some more text."/>


use strict;
use XML::Twig;

my $t=XML::Twig->new();

my $root= $t->root;

open (my $OUT, ">", "out.csv") or die();

my @nodes = $root->children('node');   # get the para children
foreach my $node (@nodes){ 
    my $Body = $node->{'att'}->{'Body'}; 
    print $OUT $Body;


[dev@mogli:/swta] $ ./ 
[dev@mogli:/swta] $ cat out.csv 
<p>Here is some text.</p>

<p>Some more text.


  • XML::Twig is doing the unencoding. Pass it the keep_encoding flag to prevent this:

    my $t = XML::Twig->new(keep_encoding => 1);