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Consistency of user data between all his sessions

I'm developing a site in PHP. When the user session starts I load all his db row in the $_SESSION var. When the user changes a db value I update the $_SESSION var too.

The problem starts when more than one session is active for the same user. Is there a way to update the data for all the sessions of the same user without overloading the database? Or, alternatively, is there a way to force php to use the same session file for all the session that belongs to the same user? Or I must simply query the db every time a session continues?

And another dilemma is: is it worth it? I mean, I do not know how much this mechanism could alleviate the server load, and I do not know if this mechanism is applicable to file-based sessions or I must use another session storing type.

This question is somewhat related to this other question on mine (even if the workaround for this is simply to delete all session files).


  • It really reaches the question why would you need to many data in a $_SESSION. And you should really take a time to decide which data is so often needed to be displayed.

    In most of the cases you only need session identifier that keeps the user logged in, containing user_id, to take the needed data directly from the database.

    Assuming the user can change its avatar, and you haven't go so many places to display this avatar, you don't need to store it in session, nor to SELECT it at the very same time. For instance, you can have a trigger page, which SELECTS the avatar by $_SESSION['user_id'] when he tries to send personal message to another user. Otherwise, you can put a cache (i.e. using memcached) where a query, which selects the user avatars should not be made more often than once an hour.

    If user changes an email, it's the same. If somebody else tries to send him message, you trigger the SELECT query. Otherwise a cache is set.

    So, let's say the user has changed his avatar, email, some other trivial info, then accessed your index page. In his session you load only the identifier. In the db the records are present, but they are not selected yet. So you have neither server load, because the session is light, nor database load, because no SELECT queries were sent.

    No matter how many times the user tries to set his session (in this case logs second time), you have a present data in the db, and a session only with identifier. You can identify all his instances, but never use a data, which is not needed.