I have already set the IDENTITY
in the database to yes and whenever i run the application, the key doesnt auto increment giving an error about does not allow null values
private void button8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string fname = textBox1.Text;
string lname = textBox2.Text;
//int idnum = Convert.To(textBox3.Text);
int mobnum = Convert.ToInt32(maskedTextBox1.Text);
string email = textBox4.Text;
int EdInst = comboBox1.SelectedIndex+1;
string EdLev = comboBox3.SelectedText;
string EdName = comboBox2.SelectedText;
Boolean Valid = true;
Valid = Validation(Valid);
if (Valid == true)
IS2Team1_TriplexDBDataSet.ApplicantRow NewApplicantRow = iS2Team1_TriplexDBDataSet1.Applicant.NewApplicantRow();
IS2Team1_TriplexDBDataSet.ApplicationRow NewApplicationRow = iS2Team1_TriplexDBDataSet1.Application.NewApplicationRow();
//NewApplicantRow.Applicant_ID = ??; // What do i do here for the ID to auto increment?
NewApplicantRow.First_Name = fname;
NewApplicantRow.Last_Name = lname;
//NewApplicantRow.ID_Number =Convert.ToInt32(textBox3.Text);
NewApplicantRow.Contact_Number = mobnum;
NewApplicantRow.Email_Address = email;
NewApplicantRow.University_ID = EdInst;
//NewApplicationRow.Application_ID = ??; // What do i do here for the ID to auto increment?
NewApplicationRow.Application_Status = "Recieved";
NewApplicationRow.Application_Date = DateTime.Today;
MessageBox.Show("Application Submitted", "Application Submitted");
//Form4 frmUpdate = new Form4();
else if (Valid == false)
MessageBox.Show("Required Information Missing");
You have to set the following Value in your Table-Definition:
Sample: Not For Entity-Framework:
If you want to insert a new Row, simply ignore your Identity-Row and get the auto-generated Identity with: @@Identity
Hope this help!
Here is an UNTESTED example:
public static void Test()
int cIdentity = 0;
SqlConnection cConnection = new SqlConnection("...");
SqlCommand cCommand = new SqlCommand("Insert INTO TestTable (Name) VALUES ('Test'); "+
"SELECT @@IDENTITY AS Ident", cConnection);
IDataReader cReader = null;
cReader = cCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
if (cReader.Read())
cIdentity = cReader.GetInt32(0);
catch(Exception ex)
if (cReader != null)
if (cConnection != null)