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Emacs: Pymacs not loading ropemacs with Carbon Emacs

I'm attempting to use Pymacs with rope/ropemacs for flymake syntax checking as described here:

When I start Carbon Emacs "normally" it throws the error:

error: Pymacs loading ropemacs...failed

I had this working on OSX 10.5 with Carbon Emacs but it fails in 10.6. However, it works when loading "terminal" emacs, Aquamacs, or if I open Carbon Emacs from the command line using "/Applications/". I'm assuming this is some kind of path error, but I can't figure it out for the life of me.

My setup is OSX 10.6.2 and I'm using macports python 2.6.4.



  • Chances are it is a path problem. When you start an emacs from the terminal, your PATH environment variable presumably includes the MacPorts bin directory /opt/local/bin because presumably you modified one of your shell profiles, probably .bash_profile, to include that directory on PATH.

    But when you launch an application directly (by double-clicking it) the shell is not involved so, by default, /opt/local/bin doesn't get included in the process's PATH variable. Depending on how Pymacs, et al, invoke python, it most likely ends up with the Apple-supplied python2.6 (python or /usr/bin/env python). If you can figure out where it's calling python, you could change that to an absolute path, like /opt/local/bin/python2.6.

    If you can't figure out how to do that, you may be able to work around the problem by either modifying the plist file inside of the Carbon bundle to include a LSEnvironment key with the proper value for PATH. Or you can create a user-wide environment definition for PATH in ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist. Both options are described here.

    Otherwise you could try installing Pymacs with the Apple-supplied Python 2.6.1.

    By the way, the installation instructions in the link you cite use easy_install. If you need to install packages into the MacPorts python, make sure you install and use an easy_install instance for it and not use the Apple-supplied one in /usr/bin:

    $ sudo port install py26-setuptools
    $ /opt/local/bin/easy_install-2.6 <package>