Given a Python string describing object.attribute, how do I separate the attributes's namespace from the attribute?
Desired Examples:
ns_attr_split("obj.attr") => ("obj", "attr")
ns_attr_split("obj.arr[0]") => ("obj", "arr[0]")
ns_attr_split("obj.dict['key']") => ("obj", "dict['key']")
ns_attr_split("mod.obj.attr") => ("mod.obj", "attr")
ns_attr_split("obj.dict['key.word']") => ("obj", "dict['key.word']")
Note: I understand writing my own string parser would be one option, but I am looking for a more elegant solution to this. Rolling my own string parser isn't as simple as an rsplit on '.' because of the last option listed above where a given keyword may contain the namespace delimiter.
I've recently discovered the tokenize library for tokenizing python source code. Using this library I've come up with this little code snippet:
import tokenize
import StringIO
def ns_attr_split(s):
arr = []
last_delim = -1
cnt = 0
# Tokenize the expression, tracking the last namespace
# delimiter index in last_delim
str_io = StringIO.StringIO(s)
for i in tokenize.generate_tokens(str_io.readline):
if i[1] == '.':
last_delim = cnt
cnt = cnt + 1
# Join the namespace parts into a string
ns = ""
for i in range(0,last_delim):
ns = ns + arr[i]
# Join the attr parts into a string
attr = ""
for i in range(last_delim + 1, len(arr)):
attr = attr + arr[i]
return (ns, attr)
This should work with intermediate index/keys as well. (i.e "mod.ns[3].obj.dict['key']")