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Tornado equivalent to Twisted's dataReceived?

Having used Twisted first, I might not be approaching the problem of bidirectional communication the right way with Tornado.

The Twisted way to receive data would be:

class MyProtocol(Protocol):
    def dataReceived(self, data):
        # Figure out if this is a chunk of a previous message
        # or if it's a new message

I'm doing this with Tornado, which seems to work but is somewhat different:

class MyClient(object):
    def main_loop(self):
        while True:
            message_header = yield Task(, 8)

            # Read/write from here

The documentation doesn't seem to suggest any "cleaner" approach (or any approach, for that matter), so am I going about this the right way?


  • The equivalent to Twisted's Protocol in IOStream would be something like stream.read_until_close(callback=self.connectionLost, streaming_callback=self.dataReceived). But it's more idiomatic to do what you've done in your second example, and use the other read methods (read_bytes, read_until, etc) to read out what you need in separate chunks. Note that IOStream is not currently very coroutine-friendly (due to the separate close callback), so it's probably best to write code that interfaces directly with IOStream with explicit callbacks.