While working on on open source project, I came across the following C function declaration and implementation:
// FSNData.h
NSString *stringForMimeType(MimeType type);
@interface FSNData : NSObject
// All the expected objective-c property and instance method declarations
// FSNData.m
#import "FSNData.h"
// where 'type' is an enum
// this does work as expected
NSString *stringForMimeType(MimeType type) {
switch (type) {
case MimeType_image_jpeg: return @"image/jpeg";
case MimeType_image_png: return @"image/png";
NSLog(@"ERROR: FSNData: unknown MimeType: %d", type);
// do not return "application/octet-stream"; instead, let the recipient guess
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_media_type
return nil;
// all properties and methods defined in FSData.h implemented as expected
This example could easily be re-written as a class level method with out any problem. As it is, using stringFormMimeType()
sill requires importing the FSNData
header file anyway.
Looking at the Apple docs, it states only:
Because Objective-C rests on a foundation of ANSI C, you can freely intermix straight C code with Objective-C code. Moreover, your code can call functions defined in non-Cocoa programmatic interfaces, such as the BSD library interfaces in /usr/include.
There is no mention of when C functions should favour Objective-C methods.
The only benefit I can see at this point, is that calling the above function, as opposed to a class method, some Objective-C runtime call(s) would be skipped. In a typical use case of FSNData
, this would not give a noticeable boost in performance to the user (probably even to developers)*.
What benefit exists (other than coding style) for favouring a C function over a class method?
is used as part of the FSNetworking library, so I doubt there would be thousands upon thousands of network operations being performed during any application's life cycle.
In short, C (or C++) implementations are very useful:
What benefit exists (other than coding style) for favouring a C function over a class method?
Of course you won't always hurt paying for things you don't need or use -- and remember that ObjC class methods have some benefits over C functions, too. So, just look at C or C++ implementations as another tool in your toolbox. I find them very useful as complexity and project sizes increase, and they can be used to make your programs much faster. Just do what you are least likely to regret in 2015 ;)