I'm working with pipes-4.0.0. In that library, the number of yields to downstream a pipe makes is in general unrelated to the number of awaits from upstream.
But suppose I wanted to build a restricted pipe that enforced that one and only one yield is performed for each await, while still being able to sequence these kinds of pipes using monadic (>>=).
I have observed that, in the bidirectional case, each value requested from upstream by a Proxy is matched with a value sent back. So maybe what I'm searching for is a function of type Proxy a' a () b m r -> Pipe a (Either b a') m r
that "reflects" the values going upstream, turning them into additional yields to downstream. Or, less generally, Client a' a -> Pipe a a'
. Is such a function possible?
You definitely do not want to use pipes
for this. But, what you can do is define a restricted type that does this, do all your connections and logic within that restricted type, then promote it to a Pipe
when you are done.
The type in question that you want is this, which is similar to the netwire
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free -- from the 'free' package
data WireF a b x = Pass (a -> (b, x)) deriving (Functor)
type Wire a b = FreeT (WireF a b)
That's automatically a monad and a monad transformer since it is implemented in terms of FreeT
. Then you can implement this convenient operation:
pass :: (Monad m) => (a -> b) -> Wire a b m ()
pass f = liftF $ Pass (\a -> (f a, ()))
... and assemble custom wires using monadic syntax:
example :: Wire Int Int IO ()
example = do
pass (+ 1)
lift $ putStrLn "Hi!"
pass (* 2)
Then when you're done connecting things with this restricted Wire
type you can promote it to a Pipe
promote :: (Monad m) => Wire a b m r -> Pipe a b m r
promote w = do
x <- lift $ runFreeT w
case x of
Pure r -> return r
Free (Pass f) -> do
a <- await
let (b, w') = f a
yield b
promote w'
Note that you can define an identity and wire and wire composition:
idWire :: (Monad m) => Wire a a m r
idWire = forever $ pass id
(>+>) :: (Monad m) => Wire a b m r -> Wire b c m r -> Wire a c m r
w1 >+> w2 = FreeT $ do
x <- runFreeT w2
case x of
Pure r -> return (Pure r)
Free (Pass f2) -> do
y <- runFreeT w1
case y of
Pure r -> return (Pure r)
Free (Pass f1) -> return $ Free $ Pass $ \a ->
let (b, w1') = f1 a
(c, w2') = f2 b
in (c, w1' >+> w2')
I'm pretty sure those form a Category
idWire >+> w = w
w >+> idWire = w
(w1 >+> w2) >+> w3 = w1 >+> (w2 >+> w3)
Also, I'm pretty sure that promote
obeys the following functor laws:
promote idWire = cat
promote (w1 >+> w2) = promote w1 >-> promote w2