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Same origin Issue with iframe loaded from AWS S3

I just changed my blog from wordpress to django-zinnia. Zinnia uses a WYMeditor ( iframe within django-admin for blog post text and content entry, and right now I can't access the iframe due to a same-origin issue. The error I'm seeing in browser console is:

Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a frame with origin "". 
Protocols, domains, and ports must match.

Is there a parameter I can update in my CORS configurations for the bucket to allow the iframe to load cross-origin? I already have


within my current CORS rules:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <CORSConfiguration xmlns="">


  • The CORS headers do not affect the same-origin policy for iframes in Safari.

    You can communicate between the frames using postMessage or you could attach a subdomain from to your S3 bucket and relax the same-origin policy by setting document.domain (this method only works to communicate between subdomains of the same domain, it doesn't work between different domains).

    You can learn more about iframes communication from this answer on StackOverflow:

    Ways to circumvent the same-origin policy