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Android canvas fill background color (Canvas application)

By having the following codes, I have some questions.

public class MainActivity extends Activity {

   public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
      setContentView( new View(this) {
         Paint mPaint = new Paint();

         protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

            int width = this.getWidth();
            int height = this.getHeight();
            int radius = width > height ? height/2 : width/2;
            int center_x = width/2;
            int center_y = height/2;

            // prepare a paint

            // draw a rectangle
                mPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); //fill the background with blue color
            canvas.drawRect(center_x - radius, center_y - radius, center_x + radius, center_y + radius, mPaint);
            // draw some text and rotation
            canvas.drawText( "Hello World" , center_x , center_y, mPaint);

enter image description here

Q1: How can I fill blue colour in the frame? (The words still appear)

Q2: How many views and surfaces in this app? How can I count these in the app?

Q3: How many windows in this app?

Q4: In the code, I dont see any bitmap object in it. However, I thought that bitmap is the object that I can really draw things on it. Is my understanding incorrect? One possibility is that Canvas constructor initializes bitmap when it is newed.

Q5: I knew that these graphic thing will finally go to surface and then pass to surfaceflinger for final composition. Where does it locate in my code?

Thanks for any reply.


  • Five questions. Let's see where I can help.

    Q1: Tell the Paint to fill the rectangle: paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL);

    Q2: I see only the one view you create programmatically. Why would you like to count the views?

    Q3: Again: One

    Q4: You draw an mutable bitmaps by wrapping them with a Canvas. The method to actually draw are part of Canvas

    Q5: The code you show is part of an Activity. The Activity is called by Android. It's your entry point into your App.