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External click event to pause query audio player

So basically I have Stratus2 media player running on a parallax website. There are other media files accessible within the website as well (youtube videos that play in prettyPhoto lightbox). Is there a function that can pause the Stratus player, whenever the user clicks on these media files?

$('.video').click(function() {




  • Include the above mentioned library along with jQuery in your page. Now suppose each of the media elements on your page have a class "media" applied to them. Now the following code will publish an event on click of any of these items..

     $(".media").click(function() { 
        jQuery.pubsub.publish('media.clicked', {});

    and the following code will be required to subscribe to this event published above and stop the previous media from playing.

    jQuery.pubsub.subscribe('media.clicked', function(topic, msg){