In a multidimensional array, I'm trying to select all descendant arrays with a certain key, no matter what their parent arrays are. I know the following syntax doesn't work, but hopefully it will help illustrate what I'm trying to accomplish:
foreach ($array[*][*]['descendant'] as $descendent) {
// do stuff
Similarly, I need to figure out whether sibling arrays do not contain this array key. Something like this (again, I know the syntax is horribly wrong):
foreach ($array[*][*]['descendant'] < 1 as $descendent) {
// do stuff
If there are always 3-dimensional array, you can use nested loop:
foreach($array as $lv1) {
foreach($lv1 as $lv2) {
foreach($lv2['descendant'] as $descendent) {
// do stuff
If you want to support unlimited number of dimension, you can use this ugly code
function drill($arr) {
if (isset($arr) && is_array($arr)) {
foreach($arr as $key => $value) {
if ($key == 'descendant') {
foreach($value as $descendent) {
// do stuff here
} else {