I have upgraded my project from iOS 6 to iOS 7 but there seems a little problem. The status bar and a tool bar is overriding and very close to each other. The tool bar was earlier added by manually dragging it in the storyboard. This is how its showing up:
I have seen a few questions that are suggesting to use "positionForBar:" and "- (UIBarPosition)positionForBar:(id)bar" but i don't know exactly how to use them, a little explanation and easy way to do it might help. Thanks!
UPDATE: Following is some code that also needs a fix. It was working fine earlier but since the detailviewcontroller (WebViewController) is now embeded inside a navigation controller, the below code is causing an exception. Looks like i need to modify the first line in this method.
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
WebViewController *wvc = [self.navigationController.parentViewController childViewControllers][1];
RSSItem *entry = [[channel items] objectAtIndex:[indexPath row]];
wvc.title = entry.title;
wvc.urlString = entry.link;
If your setup is a split view like setup with two container views, you should be able to do this. When you set up the container views, drag the top up until you see the dotted blue line that indicates the top is at the bottom of the status bar. Do this with both container views. Add the tool bar to the embedded controller (not the container view), pinned to the top of that controller's view. With the left view being embedded in a navigation controller, my screen looked like this: