Inspired by this question, I thought it'd be interesting to throw together a "MutableNum" class for fun that, in as many cases as possible, acted just like a standard numeric type, but it would be mutable, so something like the following would work:
def double(x): x *= 2
x = MutableNum(9)
print(x) # 9
print(x) # 18
I got to the following:
class MutableNum():
val = None
def __init__(self, v): self.val = v
# Comparison Methods
def __eq__(self, x): return self.val == x
def __ne__(self, x): return self.val != x
def __lt__(self, x): return self.val < x
def __gt__(self, x): return self.val > x
def __le__(self, x): return self.val <= x
def __ge__(self, x): return self.val >= x
# Arithmetic
def __mul__(self, x): return self.__class__(self.val * x)
def __rmul__(self, x): return self.__class__(self.val * x)
# Casts
def __int__(self): return self.val
# Represenation
def __str__(self): return "%d" % (self.val)
def __repr__(self): return "%s(%d)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.val)
Which works (so far, as far as I can tell), but I found myself wanting to "catch" the magic methods, since many of them would follow very similar structure.
For example, I'd like to catch __mul__
, __add__
, __sub__
, etc in something like:
def catch(self, method, x): return MutableNum(self.val.method(x))
So for __add__
, catch()
would return
return MutableNum(self.val.__add__(x))
Is something like this possible? Or should I just implement all of the magic methods like I have already done?
EDIT: I've experimented a little with trying to catch magic methods with __getattr__(self,key)
, but I'm getting mixed results.
Thanks in advance.
With everyone's help, here's what I came up with:
class MutableNum(object):
__val__ = None
def __init__(self, v): self.__val__ = v
# Comparison Methods
def __eq__(self, x): return self.__val__ == x
def __ne__(self, x): return self.__val__ != x
def __lt__(self, x): return self.__val__ < x
def __gt__(self, x): return self.__val__ > x
def __le__(self, x): return self.__val__ <= x
def __ge__(self, x): return self.__val__ >= x
def __cmp__(self, x): return 0 if self.__val__ == x else 1 if self.__val__ > 0 else -1
# Unary Ops
def __pos__(self): return self.__class__(+self.__val__)
def __neg__(self): return self.__class__(-self.__val__)
def __abs__(self): return self.__class__(abs(self.__val__))
# Bitwise Unary Ops
def __invert__(self): return self.__class__(~self.__val__)
# Arithmetic Binary Ops
def __add__(self, x): return self.__class__(self.__val__ + x)
def __sub__(self, x): return self.__class__(self.__val__ - x)
def __mul__(self, x): return self.__class__(self.__val__ * x)
def __div__(self, x): return self.__class__(self.__val__ / x)
def __mod__(self, x): return self.__class__(self.__val__ % x)
def __pow__(self, x): return self.__class__(self.__val__ ** x)
def __floordiv__(self, x): return self.__class__(self.__val__ // x)
def __divmod__(self, x): return self.__class__(divmod(self.__val__, x))
def __truediv__(self, x): return self.__class__(self.__val__.__truediv__(x))
# Reflected Arithmetic Binary Ops
def __radd__(self, x): return self.__class__(x + self.__val__)
def __rsub__(self, x): return self.__class__(x - self.__val__)
def __rmul__(self, x): return self.__class__(x * self.__val__)
def __rdiv__(self, x): return self.__class__(x / self.__val__)
def __rmod__(self, x): return self.__class__(x % self.__val__)
def __rpow__(self, x): return self.__class__(x ** self.__val__)
def __rfloordiv__(self, x): return self.__class__(x // self.__val__)
def __rdivmod__(self, x): return self.__class__(divmod(x, self.__val__))
def __rtruediv__(self, x): return self.__class__(x.__truediv__(self.__val__))
# Bitwise Binary Ops
def __and__(self, x): return self.__class__(self.__val__ & x)
def __or__(self, x): return self.__class__(self.__val__ | x)
def __xor__(self, x): return self.__class__(self.__val__ ^ x)
def __lshift__(self, x): return self.__class__(self.__val__ << x)
def __rshift__(self, x): return self.__class__(self.__val__ >> x)
# Reflected Bitwise Binary Ops
def __rand__(self, x): return self.__class__(x & self.__val__)
def __ror__(self, x): return self.__class__(x | self.__val__)
def __rxor__(self, x): return self.__class__(x ^ self.__val__)
def __rlshift__(self, x): return self.__class__(x << self.__val__)
def __rrshift__(self, x): return self.__class__(x >> self.__val__)
# Compound Assignment
def __iadd__(self, x): self.__val__ += x; return self
def __isub__(self, x): self.__val__ -= x; return self
def __imul__(self, x): self.__val__ *= x; return self
def __idiv__(self, x): self.__val__ /= x; return self
def __imod__(self, x): self.__val__ %= x; return self
def __ipow__(self, x): self.__val__ **= x; return self
# Casts
def __nonzero__(self): return self.__val__ != 0
def __int__(self): return self.__val__.__int__() # XXX
def __float__(self): return self.__val__.__float__() # XXX
def __long__(self): return self.__val__.__long__() # XXX
# Conversions
def __oct__(self): return self.__val__.__oct__() # XXX
def __hex__(self): return self.__val__.__hex__() # XXX
def __str__(self): return self.__val__.__str__() # XXX
# Random Ops
def __index__(self): return self.__val__.__index__() # XXX
def __trunc__(self): return self.__val__.__trunc__() # XXX
def __coerce__(self, x): return self.__val__.__coerce__(x)
# Represenation
def __repr__(self): return "%s(%d)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__val__)
# Define innertype, a function that returns the type of the inner value self.__val__
def innertype(self): return type(self.__val__)
# Define set, a function that you can use to set the value of the instance
def set(self, x):
if isinstance(x, (int, long, float)): self.__val__ = x
elif isinstance(x, self.__class__): self.__val__ = x.__val__
else: raise TypeError("expected a numeric type")
# Pass anything else along to self.__val__
def __getattr__(self, attr):
print("getattr: " + attr)
return getattr(self.__val__, attr)
I put the entire class, with usage header and rough test suite here.
mgilson's suggestion of using @total_ordering
will simplify this a bit.
As long as you follow the usage guidelines (e.g. using x *= 2
instead of x = x * 2
), it seems that you'll be fine.
Although, simply wrapping the argument in a list and then modifying x[0]
seems much easier -- still was a fun project.
The easiest thing to do is going to be to implement them all by hand. If this was something you were going to add to lots of classes then you might look at metaclasses (can be brain melting) or class decorators (much easier to deal with), but you should do it once by hand so you know what's going on.
The reason __getattr__
only works sometimes is that it is only called if the name it is looking for cannot be found on the class or any of its base classes. So if __xyz__
can be found on object
, __getattr__
will not be called.