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How do I get the nth derivative in my scheme program?

I can't seem to make the correct outcome, but I don't know how to set up my nth value any way else... It does the 0th and 1st derivative correctly then it gives me a crazy negative number.. do you know what could be the problem?


    (define (der f h) 
    (lambda (x) (/ (- (f (+ x h)) (f x)) 
   (define (cube x) (* x x x))

   (define (many-der f h n)
       (if (= n 0)
            (many-der (der f h) h (- n 1))))

  (define der-of-cube-n (many-der cube .00000000000001 2))
(der-of-cube-n 5)


I've attempted to rearange it so then the else statement starts with der but I get the same output when n=2...

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!


  • Your h of .00000000000001 is too small; so small that you are running into rounding errors. Here is a result with another h

    (define der-of-cube-n (der-n cube 0.0001 2))
    > (der-of-cube-n 5)

    Note: second derivative of x^3 is 6x.

    Of course, one of the important attributes of Scheme is that it supports exact numbers of arbitrary precision. So if you really want h to be that small you can formulate your inputs to be 'exact'. Like this:

    > (define der-of-cube-n (der-n cube (/ 10000000000000) 2))
    > (der-of-cube-n 5)
    > (rationalize (der-of-cube-n 5) 0.01)