I have a matrix defined so if I do this
(format t "~a" (get-real-2d 0 0))
it prints out the element in the first row first column
and if I do this
(format t "~a" (get-real-2d a 0 1))
it prints out the element in first row second column
and if I do this
(format t "~a" (get-real-2d a 1 0))
it prints out the element in second row first column.
The matrix a
looks like this
a =
((0 1 2)
(3 4 5)
(6 7 8))
and I was hoping you can show me exactly how to write a dotimes
loop or other loop
that would in as few lines as possible would print out the matrix using the get-real-2d
function so the output looks like this:
0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8
I'm just hoping you can show me a slick loop that would be real small that I can use to print matrices that I can use in my lisp library something real professional looking, like one that would use only variables. Something like:
(format t "~a" (get-real-2d i j))
instead of a bunch of:
(format t "~a" (get-real-2d 0 0))
(format t "~a" (get-real-2d 0 1))
(format t "~a" (get-real-2d 0 2))
;;;;LATEST EDIT;;; to make this simple I call
(defparameter a (create-mat 3 3 +32fc1+))
to create a 3x3 matrix - create-mat is a wrapper for opencv's cvCreateMat
the output from that command at repl is
(defparameter a (create-mat 3 3 +32fc1+))
i/e the variable a is a pointer to the 3x3 matrix
then I run
(defparameter data (cffi:foreign-alloc :float :initial-contents
'(0.0f0 1.0f0 2.0f0 3.0f0 4.0f0 5.0f0 6.0f0 7.0f0 8.0f0)))
to create the data for the matrix - which I next will allocate to the matrix
the output from that command at repl is
CL-OPENCV> (defparameter data (cffi:foreign-alloc :float :initial-contents
'(0.0f0 1.0f0 2.0f0 3.0f0 4.0f0 5.0f0 6.0f0 7.0f0 8.0f0)))
i/e the variable a is data pointer to the data ill add to the matrix
then I call..
(set-data a data 12) to add the data to the matrix - set-data is a wrapper for opencv's cvSetData
so now when I run - (get-real-2d is a wrapper for opencv's cvGetReal2d)
(get-real-2d a 0 0) it gets the element of matrix a at row 0 col 0 which is 0.0d0
the output from that command at repl is
CL-OPENCV> (get-real-2d a 0 0)
and now when I run
(get-real-2d a 0 1) it gets the element of matrix a at row 0 col 1 which is is 0.0d0
the output from that command at repl is
CL-OPENCV> (get-real-2d a 0 1)
and when I run this loop
(dotimes (i 3)
(dotimes (j 3)
(format t "~a~%" (get-real-2d a i j))))
the output from that command at repl is
CL-OPENCV> (dotimes (i 3)
(dotimes (j 3)
(format t "~a~%" (get-real-2d a i j))))
but when I try your method @Svante
(dotimes (i 3)
(dotimes (j 3)
(format t "~{~{~a~^ ~}~%~}" (get-real-2d a i j))))
I get error:
The value 0.0d0 is not of type LIST.
[Condition of type TYPE-ERROR]
because the output of 1 run of get-real-2d is just a 1 number float i/e
CL-OPENCV> (get-real-2d a 0 0)
with that info can you help me print the matrix so it looks like this
0.0d0 1.0d0 2.0d0
3.0d0 4.0d0 5.0d0
6.0d0 7.0d0 8.0d0
Your question can be understood in two ways, and that is why it has two solutions:
Define method for printing object of type matrix (in this case it may use the knowledge about the internal structure of matrix):
(defmethod print-object ((matrix matrix) stream)
(format stream "~{~{~a~^ ~}~%~}" matrix))
Using format
as is shown in the answers.
Define client function that can use the only method of your object - get-real-2d
(defun print-matrix (matrix dimension-x dimension-y)
(dotimes (x dimension-x)
(dotimes (y dimension-y)
(princ (get-real-2d matrix x y))
(princ #\Space))
(princ #\Newline)))
Just using dotimes