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placing knitr chunks including plots inside a latex layout (table)

I'm having difficulties inserting R output within a layout based on tabular.



        A & 
        @ \\
        B & 


either knitr or latex chokes because the newline/chunk syntax etc. is all wrong.

I got something to work with minipage, but I need more freedom in the layout. A workaround would be to use brew, alone or before knitr, but I wonder if there are easier alternatives.


  • I think you need to place the \\ on a new line. I think @ has to be on its own. As well, you need another \\ on the second table row. This appears to work for me:

    Update: Thanks to @Statwonk I realized that the echo=FALSE will prevent the R code from displaying.

            A & 
            <<results1, echo=FALSE>>=
            B & 
            <<results2, echo=FALSE>>=