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header and source files in jni

I have an Android project in Eclipse. In the jni folder I create Store.h where I just define:

class Store{

And in Store.c I type:

#include "Store.h"

And I get error in the definition of class Store but if I use Store.hpp and Store.cpp files instead of .h and .c I don't get any errors. Could anyone explain why? Which format is better to use in this case and why?


  • Use .cpp for C++ files, and .c for C files. .h and .hpp are both fine for any C++ header files - but .h is more common.

    The reason your code is not compiling when the file has a .c extension, is because a C compiler is being used based on the file extension. When you rename it to have a .cpp extension, a C++ compiler is used and the code compiles fine.