I want to find the next survivor after a given position and number of people.
(define renumber
(lambda (position n)
(if (< position 3)
(+ position (- n 3))
(- position 3))))
(define survives?
(lambda (position n)
(if (< n 3)
(if (= position 3)
(survives? (renumber position n) (- n 1))))))
(define first-survivor-after
(lambda (position n)
(cond ((and (<= n 3)(<= position 3)) null)
((or (>= n 3)(>= position 3))(survives? position n)
(if = #f survives?)
(survives? (+ 1 position) n)
"Surviving position"))))
I just need to replace the last bit there with the exact number of the surviving position. The program will run until it finds the survivor, I just don't know how to give the position as an answer since now everything is in terms of true and false. Thank you!
Your algorithm doesn't seem correct, and there are syntax errors. For example, this condition is plain wrong: (if = #f survives?)
. That's not how you write an if
expression in Scheme - perhaps you meant (if (equal? (survives? position n) #f) ...)
. Start by getting the basics right!
In Wikipedia you'll find a fine explanation of the solution, together with a couple of implementations, which should be easy to write in Scheme. Just for fun, here's my take on an efficient tail-recursive solution, using a named let
(define (first-survivor-after position n)
(let loop ([i 1]
[acc 0])
(if (> i n)
(add1 acc)
(loop (add1 i)
(modulo (+ acc position) i)))))
Or equivalently, a non-tail-recursive version using a helper procedure:
(define (first-survivor-after position n)
(define (loop i)
(if (= i 1)
(modulo (+ (loop (sub1 i)) position) i)))
(add1 (loop n)))