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How to fix error "Please set env variable CHROME_BIN" when running Angular.js with grunt

I am trying to do unit tests with AngularJS. I already have bower and grunt installed, so I should be able to do the tests. However, when I run "grunt test" from the terminal (Git Bash in my case), I get the error "Please set env variable CHROME_BIN." According to this StackOverflow question, I should change karma.conf.js and karma-e2e.conf.js, but I can't change them because other people on the project will have issues.


  • You need to set CHROME_BIN as a new environmental variable. Set the value to the path to chrome.exe. This value is usually: C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe

    Here are the docs that describe how to configure each type of OS.