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How can I get a transparent background in my iOS app so I can see the Home Screen wallpaper?

I’m fairly sure this is going to be straight forward in that it’s probably not possible.

Basically, I’d like to be able to lightly see the background wallpaper through my view in the same way that the new Newsstand app does.

I've tried changing the alpha value of the view, and the background color to clear, but neither of these seem to do it.


  • Apple has removed the ability to use this api in 7.0.3. What a shame.

    You certainly can in iOS7, at least as of a few days ago. In our app once you set the following it makes your background transparent and shows the user wallpaper. If you try to programmatically take a screenshot, it will just show black instead.

    1. Set UIApplicationIsOpaque to false in the project plist

    2. In the app delegate load function:

      self.window.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];

      self.window.opaque = NO;

    3. Set the UIViewController.view's background color to [UIColor clearColor]