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Escaping XML using Java and Marklogic

I am loading XML into a Marklogic database using Java and Marklogic's XCC API. Before I do so, I use Apache Commons to escape the elements' contents (StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml). Upon loading the contents, though, I error out due to a curly brace character in the contents. escapeXml doesn't handle the curly brace. My questions are:

1) Is that a Marklogic specific issue (maybe with XCC) or is it an issue with XML in general?
2) Are there other characters that could also cause a problem (i.e. not escaped by the escapeXml routine)?
3) Is there a different routine that could be used to avoid this and any future undesired characters?


  • You should not escape contents when using XCC, it escapes them itself so you would be doing double-escapes. However curly brackes are generally not something XML complains about, perhaps you are using the Invoke instead of Insert methods. ( i.e. then XCC would try to interpret your content as XQuery )

    Could you provide a sample of your content and code snippet ?