I am trying to make this work but, I need help on this function. It works great but after I modifed it to show user dashboard with choreos from Temboo i get no results. The two functions are in different php files namely index.php and dashboard.php . Please show me where I could be having errors. Thank you
Main source :https://raw.github.com/matthewflaming/temboo-experiments/master/TumblrOauth/tumblrOauth.php
My dashboard.php : https://tumblr-app-c9-c9-paulkinobunga.c9.io/dashboard.php
Too see my index.php file replace dahboard.php with index.php
The Function
function getUserInfo($session) {
global $AccessToken, $AccessTokenSecret;
// Instantiate the Choreo, using a previously instantiated Temboo_Session object, eg:
$getUserInformation = new Tumblr_User_GetUserInformation($session);
// Get an input object for the Choreo
$getUserInformationInputs = $getUserInformation->newInputs();
// Set inputs
// Execute Choreo and get results
$getUserInformationResults = $getUserInformation->execute($getUserInformationInputs)->getResults();
return $getUserInformationResults;
To get response I simply say:
Raw response returned by Tumblr:
// Get current user info for Tumblr
$currentUserResults = getUserInfo($session);
function getUserDash($session) {
global $AccessToken, $AccessTokenSecret;
// Instantiate the Choreo, using a previously instantiated Temboo_Session object, eg:
$getUserDashboard = new Tumblr_User_GetUserDashboard($session);
// Get an input object for the Choreo
$getUserDashboardInputs = $getUserDashboard->newInputs();
// Set inputs
// Execute Choreo and get results
$getUserDashboardResults = $getUserDashboard->execute($getUserDashboardInputs)->getResults();
return $getUserDashboardResults;
To get response I say
//Raw response returned by Tumblr:<br>
// Get current user info for Tumblr
$currentUserResults = getUserDash($session);
The two functions are in different php files namely index.php and dashboard.php . Please show me where I could be having errors.
The problem here is that the Temboo Choreography is incorrectly referenced in the sample "getUserDash" function you've provided.
Rather than "Tumblr_User_GetUserDashboard" the name of the object should be "Tumblr_User_RetrieveUserDashboard" -- so the code should look like:
function getUserDash($session) {
global $AccessToken, $AccessTokenSecret;
$getUserDashboard = new Tumblr_User_RetrieveUserDashboard($session);
$getUserDashboardInputs = $getUserDashboard->newInputs();
// Execute Choreo and get results
$getUserDashboardResults = $getUserDashboard->execute($getUserDashboardInputs)->getResults();
return $getUserDashboardResults;