I create a radioButton using this code.
var slotDurationSettingsRow = dojo.create('tr', null, table);
dojo.create('td', {innerHTML: 'Slot Dauer'}, slotDurationSettingsRow);
var durationSettingsTD = dojo.create('td', {align: 'right'}, slotDurationSettingsRow);
var durationSettingsContainer = dojo.create('div', null, durationSettingsTD);
var radioOne = new dijit.form.RadioButton({
value: "tea",
name: "drink",
The button is created but the label attribute doesn't seem to work. please help me find the problem?
You need to create a separate label element, like @Layke mentioned.
var slotDurationSettingsRow = dojo.create('tr', null, table);
dojo.create('td', {innerHTML: 'Slot Dauer'}, slotDurationSettingsRow);
var durationSettingsTD = dojo.create('td', {align: 'right'}, slotDurationSettingsRow);
var durationSettingsContainer = dojo.create('div', null, durationSettingsTD);
var radioOne = new dijit.form.RadioButton({
value: "tea",
name: "drink",
}, durationSettingsContainer);
var label = dojo.create('label', {
innerHTML: 'RadioButton1',
for: radioOne.id
}, durationSettingsTD);
Here's a fiddle. Note that the label is attached to the durationSettingsTD
I would also check the documentation for dijit/form/RadioButton
, especially the examples. Note that even with the programmatic example, they have a label
element already in place, but the idea is the same.