According to the docs the return value is:
"The array index of the object that satisfied the wait."
So that means the index represents a event that has been set and this code would cause a deadlock becuase it would be waiting on itself:
private static AutoResetEvent waitLock()
//Wait for any of the events to be signaled
AutoResetEvent autoEvent;
lock(yahooRequests) //Note: yahoo requests is a array of auto reset events
int index = AutoResetEvent.WaitAny(yahooRequests);
autoEvent = yahooRequests[index];
return autoEvent;
And this code would be correct:
private static AutoResetEvent waitLock()
//waitany returns the index of a successfull wait. So this line returns the reference to a autoresetevent.
return yahooRequests[AutoResetEvent.WaitAny(yahooRequests)];
I just want to make sure since (in my humble opinion) the documentation is not 100% clear
My design was flawed I should have been using a semaphore as @Hans Passant pointed out. Since I wanted to ensure N number of yahooRequests had access to a function. But @arno technically answers the initial question. Really wish I could set two accepted asnwers
Also as @Sriram Sakthivel pointed out in the comments the first example would wait on itself forever. But is not actually deadlock.
The WaitHandle.WaitAny
method does not set an event. It returns the array index of the object that satisfied the wait. This may need a wait or may also occurr when the event was set before the call to WaitAny
was done. The index will be returned without wait in the latter case.