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Best way for String sanitization PHP

what is the best way to sanitize this STRING to prevent SQL Injection?

$order_by_str = 'dest ASC';


$whitelist = array('start','target','exec');

    if ( in_array( $order_by, $whitelist ) ) {
  $order_by_str = $order_by;
} else {
  $order_by_str = 'start';

I used now this, it seems to work for me.


  • Given answers don't answer the question.

    Although there is no way for the general purpose "string sanitization", one may notice that the given string is a very special one.
    And the only way to sanitize it is whitelisting.

    A best way to sanitize this string would be to have both parts separated and then both checked against whitelist.

    So, instead of having this string whole, I'd have it in 2 variables, $_GET['orderby'] and $_GET['dir'].
    And so the code would be

    $allowed = array("dest","foo","whatever");
    $key     = array_search($_GET['orderby'], $allowed));
    $orderby = $allowed[$key];
    $dir     = $_GET['dir'] == 'DESC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'; 
    $query   = "SELECT * FROM t ORDER BY $orderby $dir";