I’m looking for a way to convert the color code returned by a ColorDialog Box in C# into the color format utilized by KML/KMZ file formats. Any info would be greatly appreciated!!
After hours of research I have answered my own question.
Kml uses an 8 digit HEX color format. The traditional Hex format for red looks like #FF0000. In Kml, red would look like this FF0000FF. The first 2 digits are for opacity(alpha). Color format is in AABBGGRR. I was looking for a way to set the color as well as the opacity and return it in a string to be placed in the attribute of a KML. Here is my solution.
string color
string polyColor;
int opacity;
decimal percentOpacity;
string opacityString;
//This allows the user to set the color with a colorDialog adding the chosen color to a string in HEX (without opacity (BBGGRR))
private void btnColor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (colorDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
btnColor.BackColor = colorDialog1.Color;
Color clr = colorDialog1.Color;
color = String.Format("{0:X2}{1:X2}{2:X2}", clr.B, clr.G, clr.R);
//This method takes the Opacity (0% - 100%) set by a textbox and gets the HEX value. Then adds Opacity to Color and adds it to a string.
private void PolyColor()
percentOpacity = ((Convert.ToDecimal(txtOpacity.Text) / 100) * 255);
percentOpacity = Math.Floor(percentOpacity); //rounds down
opacity = Convert.ToInt32(percentOpacity);
opacityString = opacity.ToString("x");
polyColor = opacityString + color;
Im open for more efficient ways to get the color value