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Pluralization is not working on form's validation message in Symfony 2.3

I am using Symfony 2.3.

I have created simple order form using $this->createFormBuilder in my controller. I am validating one Doctrine field with:

 * @Assert\Length(min=3)
protected $name;

However, upon validation fail, I get a duplicated error message near the field:

This value is too short. It should have 3 character or more.|This value is too short. It should have 3 characters or more.

My template for this element is as simple as:

{{ form_errors( }}
{{ form_label( }}
{{ form_widget( }}

Everything else seems to bet working as expected, except for that validation error message being duplicated. As if pluralization would not be working. Anyone has a suggestion on why this would be failing?


It seems that SonataAdminBundle is overriding form_errors block. How to remove that override from non-sonata controller?


  • The problem was that I had set this in my config.yml:

    # Twig Configuration
        debug:            %kernel.debug%
        strict_variables: %kernel.debug%
                - 'SonataAdminBundle:Form:silex_form_div_layout.html.twig'
                - 'SonataFormatterBundle:Form:formatter.html.twig'

    The silex_form_div_layout.html.twig one overrides form_errors Twig block, and removing it fixes the problem.