I have two tables (teams and matches) and I want calculate the game table using points and #rank position.
The tables are very simple: Teams and matches (battles). The last column in 'battle' means if the battle was played or not.
CREATE TABLE monsters (id_monster int auto_increment primary key, monster varchar(50));
CREATE TABLE battles (id_battle int auto_increment primary key, monster_h int, monster_a int, score_a int, score_h int, played tinyint);
Here some fake data (Edit: I've updated the script removing random score and apply fixed scored.)
INSERT INTO monsters (monster) VALUES ("Nembo"), ("Kid"), ("Captain"), ("OOI"), ("Koky"), ("Rudes");
INSERT INTO battles (monster_h, monster_a, score_h, score_a, played) VALUES
(1,2, 3, 2,1),
(2,1, 2, 2,1),
(3,4, 1, 0,1),
(4,3, 0, 1,1),
(5,6, 0, 0,0),
(6,5, 5, 2,1),
(1,3, 6, 0,1),
(3,1, 2, 7,1),
(2,5, 1, 1,1),
(6,4, 0, 0,0),
(4,6, 0, 0,0);
Here my question
As you can see the Points are calculated correctly and table is good! But... #rank I wrong! I think I should join it too. Can you help me on #rank ?
SELECT m.monster,
(b.monster_h = m.id_monster AND b.score_h > b.score_a) OR
(b.monster_a = m.id_monster AND b.score_a > b.score_h) THEN 3 ELSE 0 END) +
(b.monster_h = m.id_monster OR b.monster_a = m.id_monster) AND b.score_a = b.score_h THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
) as pt,
(b.monster_h= m.id_monster OR b.monster_a= m.id_monster) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) ) as pl,
(@rank := @rank + 1) AS rank
FROM ( monsters as m )
LEFT JOIN battles as b ON m.id_monster IN (b.monster_a,b.monster_h)
,( SELECT @rank := 0 ) AS vars
where b.played = 1
GROUP BY m.monster
order by pt DESC, rand();
The result: with a wrong #rank
Monster, PTs, BATTLES, #RANK (good rank should be)
Nembo, 10, 4, 1 #1
Captain, 6, 4, 3 #2
Rudes, 3, 1, 6 #3
Kid, 2, 3, 2 #4
Koky, 1, 2, 5 #5
OOI, 0, 2, 4 #6
Use this data to have more monsters with same points and scores:
(1,2, 3, 2,1),
(2,1, 2, 2,1),
(3,4, 3, 0,1),
(4,3, 0, 1,1),
(5,6, 0, 0,0),
(6,5, 16, 12,1),
(1,3, 6, 0,1),
(3,1, 2, 7,1),
(2,5, 1,1,1),
(6,4, 0, 0,0),
(4,6, 0, 1,1),
and then use this script as Stefan said:
SELECT *, (@rank := @rank + 1) AS rank
FROM ( SELECT @rank := 0 ) as r ,
(SELECT m.monster,
(b.monster_h = m.id_monster AND b.score_h > b.score_a) OR
(b.monster_a = m.id_monster AND b.score_a > b.score_h) THEN 3 ELSE 0 END) +
(b.monster_h = m.id_monster OR b.monster_a = m.id_monster) AND
b.score_a = b.score_h THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) as pt,
(b.monster_h= m.id_monster OR b.monster_a= m.id_monster) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) as pl,
(b.monster_h= m.id_monster ) THEN b.score_h ELSE 0 END) +
(b.monster_a= m.id_monster ) THEN b.score_a ELSE 0 END)) as scored
, floor(rand()*1000) as coin
FROM monsters as m
LEFT JOIN battles as b ON m.id_monster IN (b.monster_a,b.monster_h)
where b.played = 1
GROUP BY m.monster) as result
order by result.pt DESC, scored DESC , coin DESC
The table is ordered by POINTS as first criteria, then scored. And it works. But if I use the "coin" as 3th criteria.... it doesn't works!
Great that you included all scripts to recreate your situation.
Put your results from your current query into a subquery, the trick with the @rank doesn't work with GROUP BY
With this script I get the correct results:
SELECT *, (@rank := @rank + 1) AS rank
FROM ( SELECT @rank := 0 ) as r ,
(SELECT m.monster,
(b.monster_h = m.id_monster AND b.score_h > b.score_a) OR
(b.monster_a = m.id_monster AND b.score_a > b.score_h) THEN 3 ELSE 0 END) +
(b.monster_h = m.id_monster OR b.monster_a = m.id_monster) AND
b.score_a = b.score_h THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) as pt,
(b.monster_h= m.id_monster OR b.monster_a= m.id_monster) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) as pl
FROM monsters as m
LEFT JOIN battles as b ON m.id_monster IN (b.monster_a,b.monster_h)
where b.played = 1
GROUP BY m.monster) as result
order by result.pt DESC