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directory '/var/lib/mercurial-server/' is missing

After reinstall mercurial-server, directory '/var/lib/mercurial-server/' missing

apt-get purge mercurial-server
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/mercurial-server
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mercurial mercurial-server

i try:

shabak@Ubuntu:/etc/mercurial-server$ cd /var/lib/mercurial-server
-bash: cd: /var/lib/mercurial-server: No such file or directory

I can't find the folder 'repos'.

Please help!


  • The install script creates and initializes that directory only if the "hg" user doesn't exist. Otherwise it assumes you have an existing setup it should use. Try adding these deluser and delgroup commands to what you're doing:

    apt-get purge mercurial-server
    deluser --remove-home --system hg
    delgroup  --system hg
    rm -rf /var/lib/mercurial-server
    apt-get update
    apt-get install mercurial mercurial-server

    Alternately, before the "purge", do "dpkg-reconfigure mercurial-server" and set the option that destroys all data.

    I'll detect and fix this in a future revision - thanks for reporting it!