in destroy.js.erb it works
$("<%= escape_javascript(render @comment) %>").appendTo("#commentlist");
how to do it for slim? I have tried
$("= escape_javascript(render @comment)").appendTo("#commentlist");
and renamed to destroy.js.slim, but its not works
By default, Slim tries to convert your code into HTML markup, so your current code produces an error. You can check it by viewing http://<website_adress>/something/destroy.js
To fix this, you have to use pipe symbol, here is excerpt from official documentation:
The pipe tells Slim to just copy the line. It essentially escapes any processing. Each following line that is indented greater than the pipe is copied over.
Also, ruby embedding work a bit different for Slim, you have to use #{ruby code}
instead of equal sign, if you embedding it into string.
To sum things up this is how it should look like to work:
$("#{escape_javascript(render @comment)}").appendTo("#commentlist");
This way you can add more lines without prepending code with pipe each time.
Just to note, there is also shortcut for escape_javascript
called simply j
, so you could've used this code:
$("#{j(render @comment)}").appendTo("#commentlist");