In vSphere web client plugin i want to fetch the remotehost and remotepath of the datastore
I created a DataByModelRequest in the mediator class and calling one model from the mediator
private function requestData():void {
var requestInfo:DataRequestInfo = new DataRequestInfo(DataUpdateSpec.newImplicitInstance());
var dsdatarequest:DataByModelRequest = DataByModelRequest.newInstance(
_contextObject, DatastoreDataItem, requestInfo);
public function onDataRetrieved(request:DataByModelRequest,
result:DatastoreDataItem, error:Error):void {
if (error != null) {"ERROR");
_logger.debug("onDataRetrieved error: " + error.message);
// Assigning the result to variables to update the view.
_view.dsprop = result;;
DatastoreDataItem is my Model Class
public class DatastoreDataItem extends DataObject {
[Model(relation="info.nas", property="type")]
public var type:String;
[Model(relation="info.nas", property="remoteHost")]
public var remotehost:String;
[Model(relation="info.nas", property="remotePath")]
public var remotepath:String;
public var url:String;
am getting the null value for all fields but name is working fine and i tried [Model(type="NasDatastoreInfo")] also
The relational syntax you are using doesn't work because the Datastore info is not a managed entity, it's just a property field. The solution is to cast it to the right type of Datastore.Info, i.e. NasDatastoreInfo in your case. Here is the syntax to use in your model:
// The server for NFS datastore
public var nfsServer:String;
// The folder for NFS datastore
public var nfsFolder:String;