is there a better way to work with ZF useing the mappers, real life objects and table_objects.
This is how I do it with Zend Framework:
class User_DbTable extends Zend_DB_Table_Abstract{
protected $_name = "user"; // name of the table
the user class -> user object:
class User{
protected $_id;
protected $_name;
protected $_addresses; //list of OBJs
public function set_name($_name){
$this->_name = $_name;
public function get_name(){
return $this->_name;
public function set_adresses($_addresses){
$this->_addresses = $_addresses;
// and so on....
the mapper:
class UserMapper{
protected $userTBL;
public function __construct(){
$this->userTBL = new User_DbTable();
public function __fatchAll(){
$select = $this->userTBL->select();
foreach($this->userTBL->fetchAll($select) as $row){
$user = new User(); // model
// gat all the addreses of this user with eg. AddressMapper()
$user->set_addresses($addresses); // array of object of address just like User
$users[] = $user;
return $users;
usage in controller: list action:
$userMP = new UserMapper();
$this->view->users = $userMP->__fatchAll();
or add/save action:
$newUser = new User();
$userMP = new UserMapper();
ZF lets you extend the Zend_Db_Table_Row
class, and tell your Zend_Db_Table class to always use it. This way, you can access all of the Zend_Db_Table_Row
features, while adding your own logic on top.
You can do that like this
class User_DbTable extends Zend_DB_Table_Abstract{
protected $_name = "user"; // name of the table
protected $_rowClass = "User"; // The name of your Zend_Db_Table_Row class
class User extends Zend_Db_Table_Row {
public function set_name($_name){
$this->name = $_name;
public function get_name(){
return $this->name;
public function set_adresses($_addresses){
$this->addresses = $_addresses;
// and so on....
You can see more on Zend_Db_Table_Row