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Lotus Notes database design unlock

Is there anyway to unlock Lotus Notes database design without using paid software ?

Person who lock the db left the company and we don't have any template for this app.So only way to start further development on this database by unlocking this db.


  • Did you already try for example this code which comes up quickly with Google?

    Const APIModule = "NNOTES" ' Windows/32 only
    Type ReplicaInfo
    ID(1) As Long
    Flags As Integer
    CutoffDays As Integer
    CutoffDate(1) As Long
    End Type
    Declare Function NSFDbOpen Lib APIModule Alias "NSFDbOpen" _
    ( Byval P As String, H As Long) As Integer
    Declare Function NSFDbClose Lib APIModule Alias "NSFDbClose" _
    ( Byval H As Long) As Integer
    Declare Function OSPathNetConstruct Lib APIModule Alias "OSPathNetConstruct" _
    ( Byval Z As Long, Byval S As String, Byval F As String, Byval P As String) As Integer
    Declare Function NSFDbReplicaInfoGet Lib APIModule Alias "NSFDbReplicaInfoGet" _
    ( Byval H As Long, R As ReplicaInfo) As Integer
    Declare Function NSFDbReplicaInfoSet Lib APIModule Alias "NSFDbReplicaInfoSet" _
    ( Byval H As Long, R As ReplicaInfo) As Integer
    Sub HideDesign(db As NotesDatabase, hide As Variant)
    Dim hDB As Long
    p$ = Space(256)
    OSPathNetConstruct 0, db.Server, db.FilePath, p$
    NSFDbOpen p$, hDB
    Dim R As ReplicaInfo
    NSFDbReplicaInfoGet hDB, R
    If hide Then
    R.Flags = R.Flags And Not REPLFLG_HIDDEN_DESIGN
    End If
    NSFDbReplicaInfoSet hDB, R
    NSFDbClose hDB
    End Sub