I have a List view in bb 10 App, where i need to show data read from server. I am able to do that.but the problem here is ,It is taking some delay to read the data from server and show it on List view. Now i want to notify the user with meaning full text "Please wait ..." in Activity Indicator until the data is shown and disappear the Activity Indicator As soon as data is shown in List view.
Container {
objectName: "root"
id: root
ActivityIndicator {
id: myIndicator
preferredWidth: 500
Button {
text: "Start"
onClicked: {
if (! myIndicator.running) {
// Start the activity here.
text = "Stop";
} else {
// Stop it here
text = "Start"
// This function is called when the activity is done.
function activityDone() {
I found a small example like this...How can i show test like "Please wait" and make it Disappear once the data is shown in list view.
Thank you!!!
You can make a label with text "Please wait" and make it appear/disappear by changing the opacity of the label.
float opacity Inherited
The opacity of the visual node.A value between 0.0 (transparent) and 1.0 (opaque). This is the local opacity of the visual node, i.e. not taking the ancestor opacities into account. The default opacity is 1.0 (opaque).
For detail please see cascades label