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cli interface with value type as return and C# interface implementation

I have 1. CLI library with declared interface(InterfaceCLI) and implemented value type(PointD) 2. C# library with class(PointD) that implements interface from 1

The problem is strange interface implementation on C#. It requires such code public ValueType GetPoint() intstead of public PointD GetPoint()

Sample code CLI:

public value struct PointD
//public ref class PointD
    PointD(double x, double y);
    // Some stuff

public interface class InterfaceCLI
    double Foo();
    PointD^ GetPoint();

Sample code C#:

public class Class1 : InterfaceCLI
    public double Foo()
        PointD x=new PointD( 1.0 , 2.7 );
        return x.Y;

    public ValueType GetPoint()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public PointD GetPoint()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

Why does it want ValueType instead of PointD in the class Class1?!


  • PointD^ GetPoint();

    Value types are not reference types. So you should not use the ^ hat here. Unfortunately this syntax is permitted in C++/CLI, it becomes a boxed value. Very wasteful. There's no direct equivalent for that in C#, beyond emulating it with ValueType as you found out.

    Remove the hat to solve your problem.