I've spent hours googling about Kinetic.Layer.draw() method. All that I've found is use-cases - no documentation about how, when and why to use it. Maybe it's deprecated already?
These are primary links which I use while learning and playing with this wonderful framework:
It will be really helpful if somebody explains to me such misunderstanding.
Actually draw()
and drawHit()
are in the docs, but they are poorly documented:
draw layer scene graphs
draw layer hit graphs
Surprisingly I was unable to find the 3rd and last draw method: drawScene()
in the Kinetic Docs. Also to my surprise, these 3 functions were not found to be extended from the parent class of Kinetic.Stage
: Kinetic.Container
Anyways, I think this SO question explains the differences of the methods perfectly: What is the difference between KineticJS draw methods?
And definitely, there's no avoiding using these functions, you'll need to use one of them eventually unless your canvas/stage is static during your entire application. (*There may be an exception, see below)
To answer your questions:
Call .draw()
on any Kinetic.Container
which includes: stage
and group
, or any Kinetic.Node
which includes all the Kinetic.Shape
stage.draw(); //Updates the scene renderer and hit graph for the stage
layer.drawHit(); //Updates the hit graph for layer
rect.drawScene(); //Updates the scene renderer for this Kinetic.Rect
I would think it's a performance thing to not have everything redraw on the Kinetic.Stage
every single time there is a change. The use of the draw methods this way we can control programatically when we want the stage to be updated and rendered. As you might imagine, it is quite expensive to have to draw the stage all the time if we have say 10000 nodes in the scene.
Anytime you need to update either the scene renderer (for example using .setFill()
to change the fill of a shape)
To update the hit graph if you're binding events to your shapes so that the hit area for any events will be updated to the node changes.
Whenever you need to do both of the above.
Finally, perhaps an example/lab will be the most beneficial learning tool here, so I've prepared a JSFIDDLE for you to test out the differences. Follow the instructions and read my comments inside to get a better understanding of what's going on.
*NOTE: I mentioned above there was an exception to having to use the draw methods. That is because whenever you add a layer to the stage, everything in the layer is automatically drawn. There is small example of this described at the bottom of the fiddle.