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Issue with collecting AspectJ pointcut context and avoiding mentioning all arguments of the advised method

I use AspectJ in order to check whether an object does belong to the current user. The advised method is actually a Spring MVC controller method. I use an annotation placed on that controller method in order to apply the crosscutting security advice.

The issue I have is that the controller method has quite a few arguments. I would like to avoid mentioning all arguments in the aspectJ source because those can change (argument name, type, etc.) but I still have to collect the pointcut context.

To sum up of the N arguments present in the method, I only need to use two (member and advertisementId). How can I avoid mentioning the N arguments?

My pointcut:

public pointcut advertisementBelongsToMemberControllerCheck(FamilyAdvertisementInfo familyAdvertisementInfo, long advertisementId, Model model, Member member) 
        : execution(@AdvertisementExistsAndBelongsToMemberCheck * * (..)) 
        && args(familyAdvertisementInfo,advertisementId, model,  member);

My advice:

before(FamilyAdvertisementInfo familyAdvertisementInfo, long advertisementId, Model model, Member member) : advertisementBelongsToMemberControllerCheck(familyAdvertisementInfo,advertisementId, model,  member) {
        if (!advertisementService.advertisementExistsAndBelongsToMember(advertisementId, member)) {
            throw new AccessDeniedException("Advertisement does not belong to member!");

The annotation:

public @interface AdvertisementExistsAndBelongsToMemberCheck {


And finally, the advised controller method:

@RequestMapping(value = "/family/edit/{advertisementId}", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "text/html")
public String editFamilyAdvertisementForm(@ModelAttribute FamilyAdvertisementInfo familyAdvertisementInfo, @PathVariable long advertisementId, Model model, @CurrentMember Member member/* the currently logged in user */) {
        FamilyAdvertisement advertisement = advertisementService.findFamilyAdvertisement(advertisementId);
        populateFamilyAdvertisementModel(model, familyAdvertisementInfo, member);
        return "advertisement/family/edit";


  • Just in case someone is interested, I was given an answer to my question. Here it is:

    My pointcut:

    public pointcut advertisementBelongsToMemberControllerCheck(long advertisementId, Member member) 
    : execution(@AdvertisementExistsAndBelongsToMemberCheck * * (..)) 
            && args(*, advertisementId, *, member, ..);

    My advice:

    before(long advertisementId, Member member) : advertisementBelongsToMemberControllerCheck(advertisementId, member) {
            if (!advertisementService.advertisementExistsAndBelongsToMember(advertisementId, member)) {
                throw new AccessDeniedException("Advertisement does not belong to member!");

    This works and it is much cleaner.