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Analyze backtrace of a crash occurring due to a faulty library

In my application I have setup signal handler to catch Segfaults, and print bactraces. My application loads some plugins libraries, when process starts.

If my application crashes with a segfault, due to an error in the main executable binary, I can analyze the backtrace with:

addr2line -Cif -e ./myapplication 0x4...

It accurately displays the function and the source_file:line_no

However how do analyze if the crash occurs due to an error in the plugin as in the backtrace below?


Both my application and plugin libraries have been compiled with gcc and are unstripped. My application when executed, loads the with dlopen Unfortunately, the crash is occurring at a site where I cannot run the application under gdb.

Googled around frantically for an answer but all sites discussing backtrace and addr2line exclude scenarios where analysis of faulty plugins may be required. I hope some kind-hearted hack knows solution to this dilemma, and can share some insights. It would be so invaluable for fellow programmers.

Tons of thanks in advance.


  • Here are some hints that may help you debug this:

    The address in your backtrace is an address in the address space of the process at the time it crashed. That means that, if you want to translate it into a 'physical' address relative to the start of the .text section of your library, you have to subtract the start address of the relevant section of pmap from the address in your backtrace.

    Unfortunately, this means that you need a pmap of the process before it crashed. I admittedly have no idea whether loading addresses for libraries on a single system are constant if you close and rerun it (imaginably there are security features which randomize this), but it certainly isn't portable across systems, as you have noticed.

    In your position, I would try:

    • demangling the symbol names with c++filt -n or manually. I don't have a shell right now, so here is my manual attempt: _ZN11ICAPSection7processEP12CONNECTION_TP7Filebufi is ICAPSection::process(CONNECTION_T *, Filebuf *, int). This may already be helpful. If not:
    • use objdump or nm (I'm pretty sure they can do that) to find the address corresponding to the mangled name, then add the offset (+0x6af as per your stacktrace) to this, then look up the resulting address with addr2line.