So, my question is in the title. I have a table with this data :
Note: I surround my dash with simple quote to have a best readability. and when I use the tablesorter, all works fine, but either my dashes are on the top and my number are sorted asc and conversely .
OR, I would like my dashes stay on the bottom of my table , whatsoever asc or desc sort..
It's my simple js :
widgets : ['zebra', 'columns'],
usNumberFormat : false,
sortReset : true,
sortRestart : true,
Thank you for your help.
I found how to resolve my probleme. I create a filter which return me a minimum value . So my dashes stay on the bottom when my sort is asc et stay on top when my sort is desc. I think it's more logical that the dash is on the top when my sort is desc beacause it's like if i put 0 ;)
So it's my filter :
id: "dashSorter",
format: function(s) {
return ($.trim(s) === '-') ? Number.MIN_VALUE : $.tablesorter.formatFloat(s.replace(/[,:]/g, ""));
type: "numeric"
i put ':' in my regex beacause i have time in format HH:mm:ss (you can remove it) and my script top sort my table :
// initialize zebra striping and filter widgets
widgets : ['zebra', 'filter'],
headers : {
1 : {sorter:'dashSorter'},
2 : {sorter:'dashSorter'},
3 : {sorter:'dashSorter'}
widgetOptions : {
// css class applied to the table row containing the filters & the inputs within that row
filter_cssFilter : 'tablesorter-filter',
// If there are child rows in the table (rows with class name from "cssChildRow" option)
// and this option is true and a match is found anywhere in the child row, then it will make that row
// visible; default is false
filter_childRows : false,
// if true, filters are collapsed initially, but can be revealed by hovering over the grey bar immediately
// below the header row. Additionally, tabbing through the document will open the filter row when an input gets focus
filter_hideFilters : false,
// Set this option to false to make the searches case sensitive
filter_ignoreCase : true,
// jQuery selector string of an element used to reset the filters
filter_reset : '.reset',
// Delay in milliseconds before the filter widget starts searching; This option prevents searching for
// every character while typing and should make searching large tables faster.
filter_searchDelay : 300,
// Set this option to true to use the filter to find text from the start of the column
// So typing in "a" will find "albert" but not "frank", both have a's; default is false
filter_startsWith : false
i hope that help people and see you soon ;)